Rhea Drysdale

SEO Consulting Services & Life as a Mompreneur

Rule Breakers Make Great Entrepreneurs

I’m obsessed with Yvon Chouinard, the Founder of Patagonia, and his anti-business, business philosophies. Not only is he incredibly successful, but he did it without compromising his values. Just check out their Company Info page; you won’t find a jargon-filled… Continue Reading →

Outspoken Media

This is an obligatory and very late post! For the record, I co-founded Outspoken Media, an Internet marketing company, back in January 2009. We’ve been working our asses off since then and I let my personal site fall into that… Continue Reading →

Let’s Start a Rheavolution!

Operation redesign complete. Check it out: RheaDrysdale.com. I used Quadro from Elegant WordPress Themes. Then I customized it with my She-Ra colors from Twitter. Who says red and pink clash? Next I upgraded WordPress, my giant heap of plugins and… Continue Reading →

My Favorite Twitter Error Message

What’s your favorite Twitter error message? Here’s mine: “Twitter is over capacity. We’ll try to lighten the load and have things back to normal soon.” A refreshing break from something is technically wrong! Runner up: Now if everyone would stop… Continue Reading →

25th Annual ACCM Show and Future Plans

This past Monday I spoke at the ACCM 2008 show at the Gaylord Palms Resort in Orlando, FL. It was my first national speaking gig and I’d like to say for the record that, no I did not throw up… Continue Reading →

SEO Trademark – Notice of Opposition

Today, after listening to the gorgeous and incredibly intelligent, Sarah Bird, General Counsel for SEOmoz, on Webcology at WebmasterRadio, I decided to file an official notice of opposition (NOO) against the poor schmuck that’s trying to trademark SEO. That’s right,… Continue Reading →

Calacanis Goes Live, Resistance is Futile!

After my post on Yahoo! Live for SEO and my own channel creation at RheaLIVE, I’ve been keeping tabs on a few things and it looks like Jason Calacanis just created his own Yahoo! Live channel, JasonNation. I’m sure this… Continue Reading →

Rhea is Working for Less

Not less money, but the company. After a short stay with the MPS Group, I’m moving onto Less Everything, an incredible design and ruby on rails development company. Why? Didn’t I just get a new job? It isn’t news that… Continue Reading →

Lunar Eclipse

The moon taunted me for forty minutes this evening! From the time I got into my car and drove out of the parking garage, all I saw was the biggest, most beautiful moon of my life. Unfortunately, I was camera-less,… Continue Reading →

SEO Transparency and Less Memories

I’m home sick today (again) and it’s really starting to tick me off. I know, I know… you don’t get better unless you rest, but I can’t seem to pull myself away from it [work]. I get bored and boredom… Continue Reading →

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